Green tea is touted to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet.
It has been used for thousands of years as a holistic remedy for many conditions.
One large study in Japan followed 40,000 adult participants over 11 years and found that daily green tea consumption was linked to a lower risk of death from cardiovascular disease.
Packed with an incredible amount of antioxidants, including polyphenols, and epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), that have been studied and suggested to:
- improve brain function
- promoting weight loss
- protect against cancer (including breast and ovarian cancer), and certain chronic illnesses
- support heart health
- protect against cellular damage caused by free radicals
- encourage beneficial gut bacteria
A 2018 review of in vitro, in vivo, and human studies demonstrated the potential benefits of tea polyphenols in the chemoprevention of UVB-induced skin cancer.
Another large Japanese study, following 82,000 participants over 13 years, found that higher consumption rates of green tea were associated with reduced risk of stroke.
Some controlled studies show that green tea may cause mild reductions in blood sugar levels.
It may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Reviews from 2017 and 2019 found that green tea’s polyphenols may lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and improve epithelial function, which can help reduce heart disease risk in people with excess weight or obesity.
Several studies found that catechins in green tea and caffeine may have a role in increasing energy metabolism.
Another controlled study involving 240 people with obesity found significant decreases in body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference and belly fat, in the green tea group.
Antimicrobial benefits: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a topical green tea extract treatment to treat breakouts of genital warts.
Has anti-inflammatory properties.
Improve mental alertness
Relieve digestive symptoms and headaches.
May lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, and protect good HDL balance.
The catechins in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of bad breath.
Contains measurable quantities of calcium, iron, and potassium.
Compared to coffee, green tea contains only a quarter of caffeine, making it a healthier choice.
Studies show that people who drink green tea may live longer than those who don’t.
A recent study found that Jasmine was effective at inhibiting the growth of good bacteria in the gut and eliminating harmful ones.
Long history of use for nurturing women through each stage of their reproductive lives.
Possess natural hormone balancing properties, shown to improve symptoms of PMS (pre-menstrual syndrome), |menopause, and act as an “emmenagogue” (stimulates or increases menstrual flow), regulating menstrual cycles and providing relief from painful periods.
Help ease childbirth, strengthen contractions, and lessen delivery time.
Also used post-natal for faster recovery time.
Antidepressant qualities help combat post-partum depression.
Increases sperm production in men.
Research conducted by the American College of Rheumatology showed that the epigallocatechin gallate in green tea could block painful inflammation caused by rheumatoid arthritis without negative side effects, helping to reduce aches and pains related to arthritis, joint pain, and rheumatism.
Reduces kidney inflammation
Wound healing
Has been shown to aid weight loss by speeding up metabolism.
Holistic remedy for gallstones, colitis, dengue, hepatitis, influenza, dysentery, and cholera.
Alleviate pain and headaches
Effective anti-viral and anti-bacterial beneficial in treating fevers, urinary inflammation, and other infections.
Great for oral health to promote healing of tooth pain, ulcers, gingivitis, and gum infection.