But don’t be fooled by its delicate petals, Roses have powerful benefits!
As per the Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine, rose petals have been used in Traditional Persian Medicine (TPM) for the following:
- Prescribe to treat heavy periods, menstrual cramps, and ease discomfort.
- Beneficial for immune system and combating infections due to its high content of Vitamin C. A
- Healthy immune system can protect you from a variety of infectious, bacterial, and viral diseases.
- Effective remedy for loosening phlegm, ease bronchitis and other respiratory conditions
- Used for abdominal and chest pains
- Strengthening the heart
- Stomach and digestive issues, like gas, bloating, constipation
- Insomnia and improving sleep
- Mood swings
Other common uses by TPM practitioners:
- Tonic for strengthening the heart
- Antiseptic for eye washing and mouth disinfecting
- Diuretic recommended for relieving fever, breast pain, and menstrual problems
- Used for cooling the mind and body
- Prescribed as a blood purifier
- Shows bronchodilatory and antitussive effects confirmed by research
It is a valuable plant with therapeutic applications backed by modern medicine.
Citronellol and geraniol are the main components of rose extracts responsible for their pharmacological activities.
In Iran, three famous pharmaceutical products use rose extract according to Traditional Persian Medicine:
- One prescribed for constipation as a laxative agent
- Another as anti-depressant and aphrodisiac agents
- And one prescribed for ear pain and hemorrhoid ailments.
Research confirmed its relaxant and anti-depressant properties.
Depression is one reason for decreased libido. Rose products bring happiness, and self-confidence and are known as sensual and aphrodisiac agents.
It has been confirmed that rose essential oil helps with infertility and libido by increasing the diameters of seminiferous tubules, sperm count and motility, and enhancing testosterone production.
Studies suggest a decrease in abnormal sperm and an increase in sperm counts.
Furthermore, the administration of rose essential oil improved sexual dysfunction and symptoms of depression in male patients suffering from depressive disorders.
Studies established that the antioxidant effects of rose extract was the cause of memory-enhancing and showed strong activity in multiple systems.
The affinity of flavonoids on GABAergic system in the brain has been proposed as one probable mechanism because flavonoids enhance the effect of benzodiazepines on GABA receptors.
Beneficial to Alzheimer's and dementia patients due to inhibitory effects on amyloid β formation, induction of neurite outgrowth, and anti-cholinesterase activity.
Confirmed anticonvulsant effect, good at reducing epileptic seizures, muscle spasms, and anxiety.
A double-blind clinical trial confirmed a decrease in average pain density in PMS syndrome.
Modern research showed Rose petal extracts’ antiviral activity against HIV infection,
antibacterial activity against E. coli, and a multitude of strains and infections confirming its antimicrobial and antifungal properties.
In a randomized double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on fifty patients, Rose mouthwash was shown more effective than that of the placebo group in treating ulcers.
Shown to support treatment of digestive disorders.
Confirmed anti-infective and anti-inflammatory effects on conjunctivitis, dry eye, acute dacryocystitis, pterygium, or pinguecula disorders.
Studies confirmed anti-tumor, anti-carcinogenic, and cytotoxic effects against cancer cells,
and revealed anti-diabetic activity.
Suggest effect on reduction of total cholesterol, triglyceride, and low-density lipoprotein and plaque formation.
Roses are a flavorful and wholesome source of nutrients:
- important antioxidants like myrcene, quercetin, and vitamins with anti-oxidative properties
- potent Vitamin C source which plays a crucial role in nitric oxide production
- improve blood circulation to the scalp, boosting collagen synthesis.
- enhance iron absorption for improved blood circulation,
- prevent toxin build-up,
- combat anemia,
- and boost immune system against illnesses.
- Supplies Vitamin A, important for vision, growth, cell division, reproduction, and immunity.
- Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin known to help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus; both critical for building bone. Also, laboratory studies show that vitamin D can reduce cancer cell growth, help control infections and reduce inflammation.
- Vitamin E, a nutrient important to vision, reproduction, and blood, brain, and skin health.
- B vitamins help regulate metabolism and cellular energy requirements.
- Calcium helps maintain optimal bone density
- Potassium supports bone health.
- Magnesium, phosphorous, carbohydrates, iron, dietary fiber, and calories are also found in rose petals.